Posts Tagged oral hygiene


Sep 6th, 2010 Posted in Angela | no comment »

You can almost say I started the day with the staff and nearly ended the day with them = /.  I was forewarned it would be a very long day for me, but so is primping at the beauty parlor for five hours (yes, that actually happened to me on a busy salon day a few years ago).  I was a scheduling sardine of sorts.  Anyway, I had a new hygienist taking care of me today.  She was most thorough and was especially so, knowing that my whitening procedure would soon follow.  Good deep-cleaning = better whitening.  Think a good exfoliation before a fake bake =) for those of you who like to tan without the sun.   The chair talk consisted of buttered lobsters and lobster salad sandwiches *stomach gurgling*.  Dr. B came in twice to check on me (I figured he was bored waiting for his next patient).  She reported good news to him, in that my teeth and gums were in pretty good condition with no visible build-up (which is commonly seen during the removal of braces).  I’m a sucker for positive reinforcement.  I really did work hard to earn it and happily changed my bad habits.  The deep-cleaning was ~40 minutes?

Problems Cleaning The White Elastic

Oct 17th, 2008 Posted in Angela, braces | no comment »

During yesterday’s visit, Dr. B called the dental hygienist into the room to help resolve the issue of keeping the white elastic on the lower front teeth clean. I told them it was a food trap and that my attempts at cleaning it weren’t the most successful. Kind of tricky working with such tiny spaces. She gave me a Crest Glide Floss Pick; using the end to gently open up the elastic so I could use a tiny Go-Between to brush the remnants of food out. It’s been proving useful. Come to think of it, a GUM stimulator could also take the place of the Glide Pick… Another small issue solved.

I’ve been using the GUM stimulator (soft tip) to gently remove food particles collecting around the brackets only because I’m not sure what else to do and my rinsing and Oral B brush aren’t always successful at getting the food completely off.

The dental hygienist reminded me to keep my brushes clean by using an equal part mixture of water and vinegar.