Archive for the music Category

Music Which Inspires Me

Jan 6th, 2009 Posted in music | no comment »

This is only a small handful. I’ll never forget the time I walked up to a Tower Records counter and the salesperson exclaimed how “eclectic” my musical taste was (I think I handed over Bjork, Limp Bizkit, Suzanne Vega, etc.- something like that). At that time, I really thought it was me just being me. What would my life be like without music? I couldn’t picture it.

*Photocredit: Amazon

Vertical Horizon

Oct 8th, 2008 Posted in music | no comment »

Vertical Horizon is my favorite band. I’ve seen them a few times in concert and they’re performances were always so consistently good. I’m a little sad that Ed Toth left the band in 2005 to be the backup drummer for The Doobie Brothers. I doubt that would badly hurt VH’s new music though. When will the new Vertical Horizon album be out? We’ve been waiting FOREVER! I know Matt Scannell has been collaborating with Richard Marx re-vamping some loved oldies and that the duo has been touring, but it could never make up for VH being MIA =(. I heard a tidbit of a new VH song from Burning the Days on Matt’s My Space Web Blog and though it’s a little different from their usual stuff, it’s still awesome! We want the new CD! We want the new CD!….

*Photocredits: Amazon