Archive for December, 2012

Coker Farm, New York: Jewel Horse

Dec 5th, 2012 Posted in Angela, Horseshoe Diaries (Equestrian Corner) | no comment »

I was running slightly late to the riding lesson at Coker Farm.  I had an one hour lesson voucher through Shady Lane Farm this time.  As it was later explained to me by my instructor, Marguarite, Shady Lane currently leases horses from Coker.  I hurried into a big red building and saw a pretty, smaller horse all prepped and ready to go.  She was to be my school horse for the lesson.  Her name was Jewel (a 16 year-old mare, almost full, if not full quarter horse) and she was a jewel of a horse with a gentle temperament and an equally lovely trot.  She was also the perfect size for little me and her trot wasn’t nearly as bouncy as other horses, making the ride much more pleasant.  A gentler trot also means an easier time for me to learn posting.  Jewel has been at Coker Farm for approximately five years and for that time has almost always worked as a school horse.  Marguarite mentioned that a little girl does regularly train on Jewel.

I initially worked on basic steering/control and on improving my riding form with Marguarite for a half hour before she put Jewel and me on a lunge line.  The rest of the time was dedicated to posting and trotting.  I experienced a new challenge this day.  I had to share the indoor paddock with two other riders;  I was scared to bump into them and their horses.  I was also slightly distracted.  The other riders though were much more knowledgeable in riding than me so when I was finished with my lesson, I was able to stay for a few minutes and watch them ride around the paddock.  Unfortunately, I had missed the cantering.

Marguarite recounted a funny little story regarding Jewel.  Apparently, during warmer months, the barn doors are kept open to let in fresh air.  Jewel has been known to all-of-a-sudden become unresponsive to her rider’s commands and on her own volition, briskly walk out the door (rider still in tow) to graze on the grass.  Not exactly a vice, but definitely an oddity.   No one has ever gotten injured from this but I’m not sure how a newbie like me would react to this behavior?  Well actually, Jewel did do something unexpected during my lesson…  As Marguarite returned with the lunge line, Jewel walked away as if to say, “oh no, please not today!”  It took me a few tugs on the reigns to get Jewel to stop walking away.  It did make me a little nervous though but everything was fine afterwards and she accepted the lunge line without difficulty.

Barn Story…  When Jewel and her friends sensed apples and carrots nearby, I had their undivided attention.  They must have heard the crinkling of my plastic bag; perhaps a recognizable signal of impending treats?  There was not a horse in that born who didn’t stick his or her head out their stall to get a better look.  Like many other domesticated pets, they will definitely let you know that they are interested in receiving a snack.  They can also become a bit temperamental when they must wait their turn.  Jewel seemed grateful as she accepted her apple and carrots, but definitely not demanding.  I would love to work with her and Marguarite again.  I never take a nice day for granted.

We met a super friendly farm dog on the way to our car.  He was tall and lean and loved to jump.  I’m not sure of the breed?  He even wanted to hop into the car with us.  Sweet pup.  Then, as quickly as he had appeared before us, he disappeared into the thickets or behind the little red house as we drove away.  Maybe I’ll see him again soon?


*Photocredit: Andrew


My Saddlebrook Farm, New York: Jupiter Horse

Dec 5th, 2012 Posted in Angela, Horseshoe Diaries (Equestrian Corner) | no comment »

I was very excited to return to My Saddlebrook Farms (after almost a year later) for the second part of my riding lessons.  I hadn’t seen my friends, Hudson and Charlie, in a while.  Wish that the farm was much closer to the town I reside in; it’s up in Walden, New York =(.

I chose a pretty busy weekend to go too; my coupon was about to expire.  The farm was swamped with eager riders.  I wouldn’t have minded to be paired off with Hudson again (who had just returned from a ride and earned some rest), but instead I got to ride a very nice steed (appaloosa? quarter horse, thoroughbred mix of 18 years of age) named Jupiter.  I love that name!  No vices and such a sweet natured school horse who responded to commands pretty well.  My instructor was the very knowledgeable and good humored Dave.  After some basic review and corrections to my riding form, I guess Dave thought I was ready to learn balancing and posting on a walking Jupiter, followed by a trotting Jupiter.  Wow, that was pretty tough (I was sore for three days after the lesson)!  I was a bit stiff too at the start of the lesson from some mild anxiety…  All the while trying to remember heels down, toes up…   It was all a lot of fun though!  When I was able to correctly post, it felt effortless, weightless (like doing a correct Crow in yoga) because I followed the rules and allowed the movements to flow without the emotional blocks- just trusting myself and Jupiter.  Dave assigned me some homework to help improve my posting techniques- a pillow and two wine glasses, think red wine and white carpet ;).  Somehow Jupiter knew to stop when his trotting was getting too much for me; my pal was also pretty perceptive.  Jupiter has quite the bouncy trot!

As always, after the riding lesson, I treated Jupiter to an apple and carrots because he had worked very hard for me that day.  Normally I dislike carrots and am all too happy to share them with my equine friends.  I also visited Hudson and Charlie after saying goodbye to Jupiter.  I don’t know if Hudson remembered me at all, afterall, I rode him just once and it had been months ago but when his eyes met mine, he seemed to look at me with a familiarity of a colleague.  I would love to believe that he did recognize me.  Like I mentioned in a previous post, horses can have very expressive eyes sometimes.  I have such a soft spot for these animals, most people would think I’m crazy…  well, except for those people who love horses as much as I do; they would probably understand.

I have included below, a still from a video my husband created for me to remember Charlie by.  He is happily noshing on a Jazz apple.  More photos to follow.


*Photocredit: Andrew