Posts Tagged braces

My Thoughts

Sep 6th, 2010 Posted in Angela, braces, Braces Progress: Pic By Pic Comparison, teeth whitening | no comment »

I’m happy that I got my teeth straightened.  It wasn’t a small decision and I consider it a team effort which did involve both my family’s and my dental team’s support.  The entire process does have it’s challenges but it was very worth it!  Thanks so much for following me on this crazy adventure, especially through my bumps, blips, and under-the-breath mutterings here and there.  I understand that a 100% smooth process is too much to expect.  Gosh, what a stark difference.  Photos don’t lie.  Well, the journey continues…  Until next month’s new (retainer) post, here’s to good dental health =)

May 20, 2010, Excuses Excuses

May 22nd, 2010 Posted in Angela, braces | no comment »

I was steaming mad today.  Showed up at the dental office with the staff looking at me nearly cross-eyed.  “I think you’re here on the wrong day…”  Apparently they switched my ortho appointment without notifying me.  At first they tried placing blame on me even though it was clearly their fault.  The receptionist said, “Oh Dr. B is always switching his days around”…  blah blah blah  “maybe next time, call the day before to make sure.”  What a waste of time!  I could have been spending my time doing something useful and it’s an effort for me to get to this office.  Just terrible!  Sorry for all the griping =(.

Braces Update, March 11, 2010

Mar 12th, 2010 Posted in Angela, braces | no comment »

Dr. L assured me the dental x-rays from last visit showed no cavities and everything seemed fine.  Dr. B tightened the braces as usual but added a dusty blue spacer in between two of my right lowers since a tooth was a bit down-turned and needed correcting (center picture).  Pink and grey elastic ligatures.  Nothing new to report.  I wonder when I will finally be ready for retainers?  The lowers keep needing an adjustment here and there (annoying).  The spacer has caused a little pain since last night and most of today (Dr. B warned me this would be the case).  Nothing that warm rinses and soft foods can’t fix.  It’s bearable for now.  I’m sure by tomorrow, it will be even better.

Braces Update, February 18, 2010

Feb 22nd, 2010 Posted in Angela, braces | no comment »

I had X-rays, a deep cleaning, a fluoride treatment, and lastly braces tightened today.  The hygienist determined my braces would not hinder the X-rays from being done- oh joy =(.  At least they were unremarkable.  The hygienist said I was doing well with my at-home cleanings, which made me feel good because she normally criticizes most people; my husband always tries to avoid her.  I did have a small issue with one of my right lower molars and left gum abrasion due to my braces so she recommended Colgate Peroxyl Antiseptic Oral Cleanser (non-prescription rinse, mint flavored peroxide with equal parts water).  I bought a bottle from my local CVS.  Blue and grey ligatures this time since he was running out of the blues and didn’t have any pinks like I wanted.  I also found out that Dr. B cannot correct my cross-bite without causing further bone loss which I’m extremely unhappy about.  I can’t say I’ve totally wasted money getting braces, but I think more should be done to correct my bite.  I guess I had a very bad over-bite and over-crowded lowers to begin with, which limits the total progress of this experience.  I don’t know; I’m still upset obviously.  A lot of effort went into this whole thing.  Dr. L suggested they might have to push two left lower molars back to make room for a dental implant, but Dr. B didn’t agree that it was necessary so I will end up with a small gap on my lower left.   The dental implant is very expensive too (almost half the cost of braces) so maybe not the greatest idea?  I keep trying to remind myself that I’ve come a long way and that no one can really see the gap unless I voluntarily open my mouth.

Braces Update, January 21, 2010

Feb 22nd, 2010 Posted in Angela, braces | no comment »

Hope everyone has a Happy New Year!  Another unremarkable visit to write about.  Pink elastic ligatures and yes, finally the white elastic on the bottom front lowers is gone!  I don’t like when Dr. B has to put that on because it gets kinda gross by the next visit despite my diligent cleaning habits.  Hard to maintain the white color so it turns neon yellow and I’m not giving up curried foods.

Angela's Braces, Jan 21st 2010

Braces Update, December 17, 2009

Feb 22nd, 2010 Posted in braces, travel | no comment »

Nothing really remarkable to write about.  I asked for pink elastic ligatures and I was pumped to finally visit Aruba after numerous times of begging my husband.   As an aside you should definitely visit Aruba!  Get the all-inclusive  package- so worth it!  We had a blast but I wish we had stayed for a week.  I want to go tubing someday even though I’m afraid of it.  Oh, and stay at the Tamarijn Resort because the beach will be your backyard.  If you have any questions about Aruba, please feel free to ask and I will do my best to give a detailed response.  Now I know why my friend has a time-share there-  it’s GORGEOUS with great weather!

Braces Update, November 19, 2009

Nov 27th, 2009 Posted in Angela, braces | no comment »

I’m beginning to get more antsy than usual regarding when these braces will finally be taken off.  Feels like I’ve had them on forever.  Pink elastic ligatures this time.  Dr. B placed an elastic band on my bottom lower front teeth to close a gap that was forming.  My gums were sore for almost two days, which thankfully I haven’t experienced in quite a while.  I’m also tired of the brackets pushing against the inside of my mouth (causes closed sores); a problem which is unrelieved even with the use of ortho. wax- a problem which you’ve already heard me whine about way too many times.  Oh, I really need some moral support.   My family keeps asking me when the braces will finally come off and the truth is, I haven’t a clue since Dr. B doesn’t feel comfortable in giving me a definitive response.  I keep telling myself, THINK swan, swan, swan…..

Angela's Braces, Nov 22, 09

Braces Update October 15, 2009

Oct 20th, 2009 Posted in Angela, braces | no comment »

Another long wait to finally get to see Dr. B.  Truthfully, I was annoyed.  The office makes such a big stink for people to arrive on-time yet they make people wait and wait and wait.  Anyway, purple elastic ligatures this time (Halloween’s approaching)…  I asked Dr. B about the big stubborn gap among my left lowers (please see previous posts).  He said it may have to stay like that.  I couldn’t believe my ears?!  With all that money and sacrifice, I expect perfection.  I’m going to have a polite private chat with the over-seeing dentist for a second opinion.  I don’t want to wait too long to have this conversation with Dr. L.  I’m upset and rightfully so.  I know no one can see this spot unless I open my mouth for someone to look in but the point is I know it’s there and it bothers me :(.  Dr. B also said that my right lowers are starting to get a little crooked and he wants to fix this issue.  This was in response to my question of how much longer I have to wait until the braces come off.  I was estimating about 5 months but now who knows?

Things To Be Aware of Regarding Braces

Oct 20th, 2009 Posted in Angela, braces | no comment »

These are things I’ve experienced since getting my braces; a list that includes many things that I was unaware of and wish I had been better prepared for…

*gum & teeth pain/soreness (this I was aware of)

remedy: soft diet, rinse with warm salt water, talk to orthodontist.

*increased risk of canker sores from braces rubbing against the buccal mucosa

remedy: cool or warm water rinse, soothing protective gels & rinses, orthodontic wax, talk to orthodontist.

*teeth shifting leading to change in bite

sorry, you’ll have to live with this for a little while; you may want to mention this to your orthodontist.

*elastic ligatures popping off and loss of tension in archwire

remedy: consult with dental office as soon as possible

*the need to possibly pull healthy teeth to remedy overcrowding

don’t be afraid to ask questions during your initial consult.

*sensation of loosened teeth

this is actually normal (may seem a little scary) but when in doubt, consult with your orthodontist.

*make sure you are aware of your orthodontist’s availability just in case emergent issues arise. I wish I had known that Dr. B was only available twice a month at my particular dental office.

Having experienced all of the above, I still think I made the right decision to get braces.  It hasn’t always been easy but the promise of a good end result is worth the adjustments and sacrifices I’ve had to make.

Braces Update September 17, 2009

Oct 20th, 2009 Posted in Angela, braces | no comment »

Nothing remarkable to write about.  I requested for pink elastic ligatures mainly because I like the color…  The usual late evening to early morning soreness after the braces tightening.  Not what I would describe as pain but a dull discomfort that seems to quickly dissipate as the day drags on.  Wow, I can’t wait until they are finally off!  It’s not that they bother me that much; sometimes I’m unaware they’re even on.   It’s just that I’m looking forward to the visible progress of straight pearly whites.