Posts Tagged sleep

Jake Dreamland

Aug 13th, 2009 Posted in Jake Emerson, Pets | no comment »

It is customary for Jake to greet me warmly in the morning, shadowing my every move. Late afternoon it was just Jake and me. He loves his back caresses and tummy rubs and practically demands it daily by signaling with head butts, licks, and slinking his body down onto his back (spread eagle) as if to say, “okay, I’m ready!” Today was no different. After a few minutes of caresses up and down his spine, Jake slowly walked over to his lazy lounger, kneaded it all around dreamily, laid down, gave a final content little cat gasp, rested his head onto his outstretched front paws, and zoomed off to dreamland as I watched :)… I had to get this on camera… Uhm, what trust he has of me; he kept his eyes closed the whole time, even with the camera clicks and flash…