Posts Tagged Neo

Otitis Waxy Externa

Aug 10th, 2009 Posted in Jake Emerson, Neo, Outlaw Pete, Pets | no comment »

Both Jake and Opie were diagnosed with otitis waxy externa (with brown wax) in their ears. Although mites were ruled out, to our relief, this condition may or may not be easily resolved since etiology could have a link to genetics. I just checked Jake’s right ear this morning and saw a little raw spot with blood so I gently cleaned his ears with pet ear cleansing pads. I called Dr. P’s office for advice. They advised me should problems persist, to clean their ears max. three times per week either with the pet ear cleansing pads (which I purchased from Petland) or gauze with mineral oil and to use the Animax cream (vet. prescribed) no more than three consecutive days. They also advised that Animax cream should be used as an occasional spot treatment, not for long term use. Should the problem persist despite our efforts, Jake may need an ear flush for deep cleaning. Opie seems to be doing better than Jake but I will try to get a closer look when Opie wakes up from his catnap. Poor Neo had this condition life-long in his right ear too. I’m angry that Dr. K just advocated twice weekly ear cleanings at home and didn’t prescribe ointment for this issue at all. I had trusted Dr. K with Neo’s care. I wish I had known more about otitis waxy then like I do now.



Neo Suffers a Stroke

Feb 25th, 2008 Posted in Neo | no comment »

Neo suffered from a stroke in late December 2007 just a few days before Christmas…

Friday night I remembered saying goodnite to him after turning the hallway light off; he was looking back at me on the top stair landing. It was a late Saturday morning and Neo was seen earlier lying in his cat tent (bed), then unknowing to us that he was ill. Andrew found it odd that Neo was no where in site during breakfast. Neo normally loves to lap the leftover milk from one’s cereal bowl. I walked over to his tent and was horrified to find him so weak- he could barely lift his head up, couldn’t even bare weight, and gave me a weak “ack” (our secret language, letting me know he was trying to hang on for my sake). He seemed to have an uncharacteristic delirious look on his face. We called his Primary Vet right away (he was on-call) and he referred us to a local veterinary hospital. I was a nervous wreck that afternoon and spent most of the day crying until my face ached. Not even a long walk with Andrew & Stella across the beach boardwalk was enough to console me. We decided to postpone our Chistmas & New Year’s celebration until Neo could return home. Neo was in the hospital for almost a week. We visited him every night and not knowing what the future held, every moment we had with him was precious. He was referred to a veterinary neurologist who diagnosed him with a “spinal stroke.” We were told that CVAs (cerebral vascular accident) are more usual in dogs than cats and that his prognosis was unknown. During the first few days since his discharge from the hospital, he could only roll-over to change lying positions and lift his head up slightly to eat and drink. He had suffered a little weight loss since that Saturday. After days of around-the-clock care, a strict treatment regimen, and putting all efforts forward to maintain his hygiene and safety… Today he is pretty much independent, walking around with a slightly impaired gait and can acclimate to stairs without falls as long as he paces himself. His recovery in mobility took about 1.5 months of intense daily home rehab. His coat feels and looks wonderful and he has had a healthy weight gain over these past months. He’s always looking for me to re-fill his cat bowl with Merrick’s Grammys’ Pot Pie (with the quality of people food) mixed with his other favorite dry food- a diet which played a significant role in his recovery and healthy weight gain. His blood pressure is also thankfully under control with medication (Baby Aspirin and Norvasc prescribed by the vet neurologist) and regular veterinary care/monitoring. I’m so grateful we have our second chance together!

Neo was a meticulous groomer before his stroke. I’ve been brushing his fur weekly since he is still a little wobbly and tends to groom his front paws the most. Neo has been slowly regaining his siamese “voice” since July, 2008. Any of you who are familiar with this breed knows exactly what I mean =).

Neo Post-Stroke 2008